Wednesday 18 November 2015

In Fallout 4, was there some kind of radiation from the bombs that affected people's brains so that they became allergic to cleaning up?

I mean seriously. They've had like 200 years and almost nobody has lifted a fucking finger to do like 10 minutes of housework. Every goddamn house has broken shelves full of litter and 200 year old cleaning supplies.

Like, I see your abroxo cleaner box right there on the shelf. It's 200 years old and you haven't fucking used it once. There are literally LEAVES all over the place INSIDE buildings.

It's not like they don't have the resources, I find fucking brooms everywhere. Unused fucking brooms. Not a single person on earth can even fathom the idea of actually using one for like 20 minutes to sweep away the disgusting piles of filth and debris all over the floor. Or how about just put all your empty cardboard boxes neatly in one room. Is that REALLY to much to ask!? You've had 200 years to put away your goddamn cardboard boxes, but noooo you're too busy standing around talking shit in the middle of the street all damn day.

Like is it really so exhausting standing in different spots and maybe doing some gardening, that you can't even put away the goddamn human skeleton corpse remains in your goddamn living room!?

I mean I can be sloppy sometimes but Jesus Christ what's wrong with these people.

by Soutine

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