Thursday 19 November 2015

I retireved my stolen xbox back with virtually no help from the police. Heres how:

So I posted this in /r/xboxone[1] , but one of the mods there (/u/delicious_cheese [2] ) removed it, and will not give me a reason why. (Maybe the mods it that sub reddit work for Microsoft and filter messages? I am not sure) I reposted to talesoftechsupport and it was removed without a mod saying anything at all.

Anyways, I apologize if this is the wrong sub-Reddit, but I cant think of another one, and people seemed to like the story, so I am re-posting here.

Let me start off by saying my house was broken into just over a month ago. They stole my xbox one and my roommates mac laptop and his Ipad. My roommate just assumed they were gone for good the second he lost those. I went on to my windows 10 PC and looked if they were using my Xbox live account. They were. I called Microsoft several times trying to get their Ip address. The first call I was elevated to a manager and they told me they did not believe I was me and I was just trying to maliciously steal this account over because my xbox live was linked to an aol account that was like 20 years old and I did not have access to anymore. This manager hung up on me even after I told her I remembered how to log into it. I even recorded this phone call. I talked to a few more people and they either gave me wrong instructions or told me there was nothing they can do. Fine. I log into netflix and called their support. I got the IP from them. TL:DR: Microsoft customer support is 100 times worse than Netflix.

So I have the IP. I took that to the police in a nice vanilla envelope with the approximate location of the IP address and steps they could do to get the address from their ISP provider. The detective was supposed to call me back, but its a month later now and I am still waiting on that phone call. Shout out to the Roxbury Police Department: You suck. ISP's can only release this stuff to law enforcement, and they told me they probably would never get to doing this. I was too far down the totem pole. I'm thinking in the time it took to explain that, he could have picked up the phone and gotten an address. So what can I do? I posted all over my Xbox gamertag. I messaged myself "hey this is a stolen Xbox. Your IP address has been logged as .... Your internet service provider is .... Please give me a call at ... and return the xbox and I will not file charges. He called me. The kid offered to sell it to me for 200 because that's what he said he paid. He would not give me any information about where he bought it. I called the cops and set up a sting. They told me they would arrest him on the spot for possession of stolen property. While I am on the phone with the police I get three texts from this kid. I call him back and end up talking to his mother. She said he bought it off some kid on the street. She freaked out at me for giving the cops her sons number. Said they had nothing to do with it. She said he was perfectly willing to give it back so why would I do that. I then realized her son never told her he was selling it back. Once I told her, she started reaming out her son (who i just discovered was also on the line). I told her not to worry about it as long as I got it back.

I met up with her son at a train station with a lot of cameras without bringing the cops and he gave me the xbox back. I also bought nba 2k16 from him, which I wont even play, I just felt bad for him if he did buy it for 200 and he lost out on that because him mom wanted to teach him to "not buy things off kids from the streets". My friends will play it. I don't think hell ever realize how close he came to being arrested.

EDIT: I recorded all these conversations too, I can upload them later when not on data if people really want. The conversations with Microsoft were like 1-2 hours long because of the wait time. If any journalists want them, Ill edit the good parts out. The supervisor CS agent was a real dick and I was actually trying to be nice.

by meteaz_apps

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