Thursday 20 April 2017

Spotted driving around the FCC this morning

This morning, this mobile billboard was spotted driving around the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)’s headquarters in Washington, DC, while the agency held its monthly open meeting.

The billboard was paid for by American Commitment, the “shadowy” anti-net-neutrality astroturf group with ties to the Koch Brothers that was caught red handed in 2016 flooding the FCC with fake comments against net neutrality, and comments essentially purchased through a network of misleading petitions and ad buys.

The message on the billboard is pure falsehood. Millions of people from across the political spectrum spoke out in support of net neutrality, not just “tech socialists” (whatever that means.) In fact, thousands of startups, entrepreneurs, and most prominent venture capitalists supported Title II based net neutrality rules.

This is just the latest episode in a long history of the telecom industry using “astroturf” lobbying groups to create the appearance of grassroots opposition to basic open Internet protections like net neutrality, which prevents ISPs like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T from discriminating between different websites, throttling, or censoring online content.

If you want to make sure that decision-makers hear from real people about why the free and open Internet matters to them, you can find a Congressional town hall near you using, or use this site to contact your lawmakers and the FCC.

by evanFFTF

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