Saturday 21 January 2017

In the future, how will we deal with the fact that evidence (video, audio) can be faked with 100% accuracy?

There are already examples of this in development, I believe one is called "Face2Face" ( where they can use an actor to map the facial movements of someone in a pre-recorded video.

As technology improves there's no doubt that this kind of technology will become more developed and more widely available and delve into audio mimicry and the ability to use someones likeness to recreate video footage with almost indistinguishable resemblance to an original/authentic source.

How are we going to reconcile with the fact that this could be used for terrible evil? Perhaps not today, but in 50 years when this kind of thing has been more-or-less perfected, what's to stop a political candidate from paying an audio/video engineer from creating damning video/audio evidence of their political opponent? Or if someone in an industry (sports, entertainment, etc.) wants to discredit an opponent or competitor, from creating damning evidence against them committing crimes or saying terrible things.

I mean if I produce a video of YOU saying something terrible, how do you refute that? "No, it's fake!" okay, well we know the technology to fake it exists, but then what good is ANY video/audio evidence at that point since ANYTHING could be fake?

Is this something anyone has thought about, or had any other discussions here on Reddit about? Probably just more of a /r/ShowerThoughts than anything else, but it's something that interests me.

by Magnum256

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