Wednesday 27 July 2016

UPDATE: "You CAN get rid of Cortana's presence entirely" "in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update"

Hey, /r/technology - I found this really interesting article you should all read:

  • "Cortana works best when you sign in, but if you choose not to, you can still use her to chat, search the web and your Windows device," Microsoft told PCWorld. "If you like, you can also easily hide Cortana and the search box in the taskbar altogether."

  • You can also take a few steps to limit Cortana's reach on your system. First, head to Start > Settings > Privacy > Speech, inking, & typing. Now click on Stop getting to know me and then select Turn off. This effectively makes Cortana deaf to the sound of your voice as well as blind to your typing history and—for stylus wielders— handwriting patterns. It also turns off system-wide dictation.

  • On Cortana’s settings screen, disable every slider that can be set to Off, such as search history and device history. That helps prevent some data usage and tracking, but Cortana will still be working.

  • You can even get rid of Cortana's presence entirely, as Microsoft said. To do this right-click on the Cortana search box, and select "Hidden". Doing so, however, apparently makes the Cortana box disappear without any obvious way of getting her back.

  • If you’re still unsatisfied after you’ve crippled as much of Cortana as possible, consider ditching it completely and going with a third-party system search utility instead.

You just need to get past the headline of the article, because buried deep down past the first graphic is instructions that contradict the article's own head-line premise. It's like the editors just went for a title that was provocative to lure people into clicking on it.

by fidelitypdx

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