Saturday 23 July 2016

TIFU by breathing in chemical gas

It happened a few days ago, but im sure i will not do this again.

I have a summer job at the local spa where i have to give boxes to the costumers, so they can store their clothes, gadgets, etc..

At the end of the day we must clean up the floor, because it would be very dirty. If we don't do it correctly the costumers report it to our boss, and the punishment will come in a few minutes. Also our boss is a freak, that is why i had the Plan to clean up the floor like an angel.

We usually have some kind of detergent, called "descaler" that we must fill up with water in 1:8 ratio. I also found hypo, and liquis soap. Mix it up and try to mop the floor with it.

At first i poured nearly the half of the bucket on the floor, (2,5l) then i tought more is better so why not use all the shitty mix i made. After a few mins i had a slightly headache, and my eyes started to tear. Another few mins later my lungs filled up with its gas and i felt like i smoked a box of cigar.

Slightly i realised i did something wrong, but i think it was a bit late. So i run out to get some fresh air. I sit down and got a blackout for a minute or two, but my coworker came and shaked me up. After i said what i did she kept asking how stupid can i be?! After 10mins i had to puke, so i ran to the nearest toilet.

My boss heared what just happened and told me to go home, and dont be that stupid again... Great, now he will only pay me 2-3hours.

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