Thursday 28 July 2016

How is my Samsung Galaxy S3 completely useless?

A few years ago, my galaxy S3 was the bomb. Everything happened very quickly on it and I could use the apps just fine.

Today, on the same OS, EVERYTHING is fucked up, even after formating it and virus scanning.

It is so painfully slow that it even lags as I enter my access code. When entering a phone number, I have to wait 2-3 seconds between each dial.

I could understand that I can't run the newest games and the heaviest apps etc. but something fishy is going on here. My old LG phone works just fine, still. And that phone is from 2009.

Why are the "newer generation" phones just USELESS after a couple of years with everything running like a slideshow, even if the OS isn't upgraded?

by ionicguy

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