Sunday 17 April 2016

TIFU by being a nice friend

Well as all TIFU's this didn't happen today but about a month ago. To give some back story, i used to live with a room mate in the city lets say his name is Greg. Greg had a job which i didn't particularly hate or love, Greg used to sell sex toys.

Fast track to 2 years later, we moved out, and i have not heard from him a a year and a half or so, i get a call from him out of the blue saying that his parents were coming over to his place and he needed somewhere to stash his toys and such. Well being the nice friend i was i agreed thinking that it was only going to be a few things. He turned up in his car full to the brim of shit. I didn't know what to say but now i have 3 rooms in my house full of every sex toy, movie and gadget you can imagine.

At first i didn't think it was that bad, but having my mates over i get a real bad reputation for being the guy with an 18 inch black dildo on his coffee table

TL;DR by helping my old room mate stash his sex toys at my place, now i have three rooms filled with every sex toy, movie and gadget you can imagine.

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