Thursday 28 April 2016

PSA and Reminder To avoid Comcast if Possible:Comcast upgraded account without consent, Hours of wasted time, Fed lie after lie from Moronic Customer Service Agents.

If you time is valuable avoid them: I feel like Comcast really fucked with me. Comcast will end up costing more than they are worth. I am self employed and work from home. My time costs money. Time spent on Comcast's stupidity has cost me hundreds of dollars.

My story:

Internet was bad in February. Talking to customer service rep who verified our router/modem was bad. Rep said a router was on the way. We asked for express shipment. A week later nothing came. Contacted Comcast again. No record of anything being sent. God damn Comcast!

The next rep seemed knowledgeable. He was able to get things working a little better from making some tweaks on his end. The only problem he asked me over, over, over, and over again If i wanted to upgrade to their bullshit Triple play package. I told him over, over, over, and over again NO.

We get the stuff in the male. Upgrade our aging equipment. New cable box doesn’t work. Frozen won’t load anything. I say fuck it, we had the lowest cable possible which means there is hardly any channels. Like I said I am busy and self employed and do have time for that shit.

Next thing we know we are being charged 135 a month. (my roommate was in charge of this, and he had medical stuff going on). Turns out it seems the second customer service guy upgraded us without consent. God Fucking Dammit Comcast!

Currently: After finding this upgrade: I spent hours on the phone with Comcast since Tuesday. I was told a supervisor would call back within 2 hours max. Now it is 48 hours later. I have called several trying to speak to someone who is able to help me. WHAT A WASTE OF ENERGY that has been. Person after person with no power to do anything. Hung up on once, on hold for hours, Frustrated by a shit VOIP automated system that is slow, clunky, and breaks up because Comcast seems to be shit all around.

I run a startup, I have clients. I charge $75 to consult. Comcast has spent hours of my precious time- TO BRING ME FUCKING NOWHERE.

Honestly, It would be better yelling at a brick wall - at least then I could manage my expectations

As of right now I am being forced to cancel, and do some chargeback power to hopefully correct the situation. At&t is coming monday. (which, I am forced to settle with)

TLDR: Comcast will waste your time and energy. Look into all your options!

You can use this to see ISP options in your ZIP

by Alexwo1

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