Sunday 31 January 2016

TIFU by having shit grades.

Mandatory this happened the whole trimester from october to december and I'm living with its consequences right now.

So I'm a guy who suffers from depression and anxiety, it's my terminal year and just the thought that I have to work hard as fuck to get a good choice after graduation just makes me feel uncomfortable and anxious.

Now here is the fuck up, I shit you not I used to get good grades and having 15 (we used a scale on 20) used to be shite for me and for my overly-strict parents who really won't feel satisfied with whatever thing I do in my life.. But as you know, shit usually happens, I fell in love with a girl and stopped studying to the point that I barely know which chapter we're studying in maths.

So pretty much I've started getting all the shit grades that I never used to get until I ended up with an average of 12/20, now I have to live with the consequences, my school report arrived last tuesday so I have to wait until today till they leave me alone at home because they pretty much took all of my gadgets.

EDIT: In case anyone has been wondering about the girl, nah she ended up dating someone else and I've been feeling so fucking depressed ever since.

TL;DR: Fuck with your school grades, your parents fuck with your gadgets.

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