Friday 25 January 2019

TIFU by looking at medical insurance prices

This happened yesterday. I thought about posting this yesterday but decided it wasn't a FU worth reading... And then it got worse.

A little background: I'm financially... Careful (read I'm cheap). I get more enjoyment out of watching my bank account grow than I'll ever get out of any gizmo and gadget. If someone offered me $100k to live in a box, I'd consider it just to look at that new milestone number on my bank account. That being said, I had taken interest into a Health Savings Account after hearing about it. A retirement savings account that I can withdraw from penalty free for medical expenses? Brilliant.

Yesterday at work, I had small chunks of time free in between parts of work that required active effort. I used this time to Google "how to start an HSA". To my dismay, starting an HSA requires you to have medical insurance. I do not have medical insurance.

I am still very interested in starting an HSA however, so I decided to look at some ballpark quotes on what medical insurance would cost me to see if it was worth going through. I put in my info using an auto fill. Not paying attention, I allowed it to auto fill my real phone number.

Since doing this, I have received 53 calls. Of those, 10 are from the same number today. At this point, I'd much sooner die of cancer than have medical insurance.

TL:DR I wanted to look at health insurance prices and they responded by calling me 53 times in 2 days.

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