Saturday 1 December 2018

Why Bluetooth is not mature enough to replace the headphone jack now and it's stupid to remove the headphone jack.

I'm not 100% sure if posts like this are allowed? I checked the rules and it said nothing against them.

But everybody is removing the headphone jack saying it's obsolete and wanting to replace it with Bluetooth.

here are a few reasons why Bluetooth totally can't replace the 3.5mm wired connection right now. I have an iPhone and it's so annoying to use a stupid dongle.

  1. Bluetooth has a really really high latency. It's barely tolerable for games. Video players play the audio in advance to comprehend for this issue. but there's so many things that can't be predicted, Games are one example or when you're using audio editing software etc. the only Bluetooth protocol with low latency is APT-X LL which is rarely supported anywhere. And from what I know Bluetooth 5 still does nothing about the latency. but when you use Bluetooth headphones with most PCs they don't do that, So you have an unsynced audio. some headphones have 120ms of latency while the very expensive and popular QC35 has 300ms of latency. the ear can tell anything above 80-100ms from what I know
  2. Bluetooth audio sound horrible when used as a headset. When you need to use your microphone on your headset to chat to someone and even if you're playing a game that supports voice chat, The audio sounds just so freaking horrible on every headphone, This is a limitation by the Bluetooth technology. it sounds like one of those very old radios.

The removal of the headphone jack is specially stupid for the iPad pro since it's targeted at "pros" and DJs etc..

Until they have something like what gaming headphones use we need the headphone jack. From what I know most of those headsets use the microphone and play audio at the same time without quality loss, and they have near 30ms of latency. It'd be amazing if we could standardize that to be like Bluetooth. Many of them have very small dongles!

by LavendarAmy

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