Sunday 24 June 2018

28yo playing games with 10yo got me deep thinking...

A few days ago, i was playing some rocket league and destroyed the other team, i got a random party invite, i usually ignore these but this time i decided to bite. Low and behold it was the team i just beat, and it was a few 10-12 year old kids. I ended up getting on mic with them and decided to help them out for a bit.


I dont have any kids of my own, so playing games with young kids got me thinking about lots of stuff. It was almost refreshing at how innocent they were, naive and nonsensical, but completely passionate and genuinely excited to play video games, something thats kinda faded in me over 20 years of gaming. They were pretty funny too, seeing them freak out when they miss shots or blame each other had me laughing. It really reminded me of my youth when i used to be so excited for games and had no responsibilities and could dedicate 99.9% of my time to just gaming.

A few things i quickly realized is that they flock to all the free to play games, obviously because they're kids and they'll take any handouts they can get. They tried to get me to play some fortnite, which i reluctantly agreed to try, but i warned them that im not great at it, im avid in shooters and pretty much any type of game, but after playing some fortnite with them, i quickly realized that game is definitely not a skilled shooter. So in hindsight, if you really dont enjoy playing games that get flooded with kids, stay away from free to play games lol.


All in all, they respect me, they say im the nicest old guy they've met online. They say all the other kids and teenagers are so mean and get mad at them. It makes me feel sorry because, in the time i grew up, online multiplayer didnt exist until ps2/xbox era where halo 3 was the fortnite of my youth. It sucks to see kids fighting among each other not realizing that as they age, they will see their perspectives of the world change and increase, maturity will bring more reason to their minds and as i sit here laughing at them, hopefully one day they'll see why. Kids take things very seriously and as fact, i often find myself having to explain jokes to them, or sarcasm. I think they are lucky to grow up playing games with online play already in existence, but i also wish they knew how much fun actually playing couch coop could be as well, there are some things online multi just cant beat.


These kids got good hearts though, as annoying as they can be sometimes, they are just kids like we all once were just as excited to play games and taking the time to play some games with them has definitely helped give me a better perspective. I ended up buying two of the kids psplus for 1 month as a friendly gift, they were so happy.

by GrieverXVII

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