Sunday, 17 December 2017

The Non-Video Game of the Week: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS!

The non-video game of the week is back! In honour of D&D-cember, this week we showcase the game that gave us RPGs as we know them. Grab your +1 mace and join the party!

Possible things you can discuss:

What's your favourite edition? (Is it 1e, or too hard? 3.5e, or too min/maxy? 4e, or too easy? or what?) Or maybe you really like 5e? In that case, check out /r/dndnext for all your 5e needs!

Have you ever actually played Keep on the Borderlands? How did it go?

Show off your D&D miniatures or custom maps! Want more mini goodness? Head on over to /r/minipainting and get inspired!

What's your favourite campaign setting, and why is it Planescape? What's the worst campaign setting, and why is it Dragonlance? (I'm just kidding. But seriously, who has time to keep track of the friggin' three-moon cycle?) Or tell us about your homebrew campaign!

Or your favourite class, or monster, or playable race...

Maybe even show off or talk about your favourite youtube D&D episodes? Which ones are good or bad? (Just keep in mind, if it's your own episodes, read rule 8 first!)

Be sure to visit /r/DungeonsAndDragons for more D&D talk in a casual setting! They'd love to hear from you.

Please resist the temptation to talk about D&D video games. I love Neverwinter Nights and Planescape Torment as much as you do, but seeing as we want to showcase non-video games, make your own threads for any D&D video game discussions. Thanks!

Enjoy, and happy D&D-cember!

by someguyinahat

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