Tuesday 26 December 2017

1 So I was throttled and did a speed test on AT&T's site and it downloaded faster.

So I've had a suspicion that when you use the AT&T Speed test (located here: http://ift.tt/2hEZbxY) that they increase your download speed for a little while after the test. I've been testing this recently and was testing it a while back as well. I have been downloading files that were 50MBs and said they would take 45 minutes then ran the speed test and the file was done in less then a minute or two. I also started a game download which was going real slow at about 2MB/s then when I started the test jumped up speed exponentially to about 25 or so MB/s. So I want more feedback and more test data so anyone that has AT&T download something then do the speed test after you start getting slowed down.

Goto: http://ift.tt/2kX1j45 to post your results there or post a comment here.

Just want to get the discussion started on something like this. When you paying for unlimited data and a high download speed it's a bit ridicules that you get slowed down for downloading, which was against the Net Neutrality rules at the time. (Which the house of senates have 60 days to undo the repeal.)

by Bfixer117 http://ift.tt/2lbeMol

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