Sunday 19 November 2017

The publisher of GTAV and RDR2, Strauss Zelnick of Take2, has recently been quoted saying: "we can do more MTA", "all our games will have recurrent consumer spending hooks" and "we are UNDERMONETIZING our consumers". If you cared for Batlefront, you should care about this.

The future of GTAVI and RDR2 is threatened but alarmingly few people seem to be taking about this. In light of this latest microtransaction debacle, light needs to be shed on what Take 2, the publisher of GTA and RDR2 has been saying lately.

Bottom line here is: if you care for these IPs, do not let this be an Electronic Arts only thing. Voice your opinion, let the big publishers, studios and corporations know that if they are going down this route we will not be supporting them anymore.

by 4KMemes

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