Sunday 19 November 2017

NVG of the Week: Cards Against Humanity

It's the week of Thanksgiving (except for Canada) and what better Non Video Game to discuss than the one you can use to make sure your uptight relatives you secretly hate never want to see you ever again, Cards Against Humanity.

It's probably the most ubiquitous "mature" card game in the world, presenting opportunities to show how almost everyone (including your saint of a grandmother) appreciates dark humor.

Here's how the game works, in case you don't know:

One person places a black card that serves as a prompt, either asking a question or presenting a fill in the blank opportunity.

Example prompt:

The only thing we have to fear is __________.

Then, everyone else plays a white card (or cards if there are multiple blanks to fill in) that satisfies the prompt in a manner which they think will be chosen as the best (determined by the person who played the black card).

Our black card was "The only thing we have to fear is ___________"

Example responses:

a little poop coming out when you fart

Ryan Seacrest

Donald Trump in a speedo

Genital warts

Now, if I'm the one who played the black card, I'm choosing Donald Trump in a speedo because that's terrifying.

The person who played that card gets the black card and everyone replenishes their hand of white cards before the next black card is played.

Got it? Good.

For this thread, we invite you to submit your best custom card ideas, so that we can revel in your wickedness.

Note that Rule 10 is still in effect for this thread.

Ready? Go!

The mods of /r/gaming have nothing to do with the makers of Cards Against Humanity. We're just making this thread because we think you'll enjoy it.

by MisterWoodhouse

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