Tuesday 26 September 2017

Today myself and 60 other Internet users (many of them redditors!) are traveling to Washington, DC to meet directly with our Senators and Representatives about defending net neutrality

Hi Reddit, so today myself and 60 other Internet users (many of them redditors!) from as far away as Alaska, Kansas, Minnesota, and California are traveling to Washington, DC to meet directly with our Senators and Representatives tomorrow about defending Title II net neutrality protections, which prevent companies like Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast from charging extra fees to access online content or engaging in discriminatory censorship and throttling.

It’s part of a coordinated effort to arrange face to face meetings between net neutrality supporters and lawmakers, organized by public interest groups like Fight for the Future (disclosure: i work there!), Public Knowledge, EFF, Center for Media Justice, Writers Guild West, and others.

These meetings are so important because the companies that are working to kill net neutrality protections are spending millions of dollars on lobbying and campaign contributions -- they have lobbyists hitting Capitol Hill constantly spreading fear and misinformation. Their goal is to get the FCC (currently lead by former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai) to gut the current rules, and simultaneously push Congress to pass bad legislation that would permanently undermine net neutrality and allow for paid prioritization and other ISP abuses.

Obviously most redditors can’t drop everything to come to Washington, DC for a day, but there are lots of ways to get involved, and if we don’t come together to defend net neutrality now, we could lose it forever. Here’s some ways you can help!

  1. Contact your lawmakers and the FCC
  2. Attend a local meeting with your lawmaker
  3. Volunteer for ‘Team Internet’
  4. Call, email, and tweet at your lawmakers and tell them to speak out against the FCC’s plan to gut Title II and oppose any legislation that undermines net neutrality.

The FCC has to answer to Congress, and Congress has to answer to us, their constituents. Let’s use the power of the Internet to save it. We can do this.

by JPTIII http://ift.tt/2hv1wMW

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