Thursday 27 July 2017

We’re the organizations representing internet companies that spend all day defending net neutrality and preserving a free and open internet. We’re Michael Beckerman of Internet Association and Evan Engstrom of Engine, Ask Us Anything!

Hey there /r/Technology-

Michael Beckerman (/u/Internet_Association) and Evan Engstrom (/u/EngineOrg) here.


Internet Association and Engine advocate for internet and tech policies that ensure the internet remains the amazing, free, and open place it is today.

Internet Association represents leading internet companies. We like to say that if there’s an app on your phone or a website you visit often, they’re probably a member. We advocate for policies that foster innovation, promote economic growth, and empower people through the free and open internet – which is why we’re here today.

Engine is the voice of startups in government. We work with a community of innovators and entrepreneurs throughout the country to ensure that policymakers in Washington support the high-tech, growth-oriented startups that are driving our economy. Considering how many startups depend on the Internet to connect with customers and grow their businesses, protecting a free and open web is central to our mission.

Of late, that means we’ve both spent quite a bit of time preserving net neutrality. It’s hard to overstate how important net neutrality is to the internet ecosystem. If ISPs gain the power to become content gatekeepers and privilege their content over the rest of the internet, it could very well mean the end of the internet as we know it.

And so we can’t thank all of YOU enough for taking a stand yesterday during the Net Neutrality Day of Action yesterday.

IA and Engine also work on a whole host of other issues like defending encryption and fighting back against patent trolls.

We’re here to answer your questions about net neutrality, tech policy, and of course, anything else on your minds.

A bit more info on IA and Engine below:

Internet Association:

Engine Advocacy:

by Internet_Association

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