Thursday, 25 May 2017

The whole basis for killing NN is that if you don't like the ISP you're with, you can switch. But for most Americans, there's really only one or MAYBE two options.

  • Link
  • The main issue is not that providers are regulated to harshly, its that there is not other options available when your ISP screws you. This map from the FCC Itself shows that. Be reminded that the map in itself includes DSL and services that are slower than 1Mbps.
  • I worked for a Fiber provider for a couple years, and the other big issue is unless you are an old Telecom Company(Which the company I worked for was), you either have to buy one out, or lease the rights to lay lines from the CABLE COMPANIES THEMSELVES. That's why the barrier to entry is so high, and why we don't have more options in the first place. The new law Does nothing to fix that.

Link to interactive map from FCC

by PEbeling

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