Saturday 3 December 2016

Comcast sent me an automated response for filing a complaint with the FCC

Here's the text of the automated response I got for filing a complaint with the FCC about their data caps:


Dear RushAZ

This email is in response to the complaint submitted to the Commission.

In certain markets, Comcast has implemented a usage-based billing approach that relieves users who use less Internet data from paying the same price as heavier end users, while enabling those heavier end users to continue using as much data as they want without being subjected to a hard cap. This pro-consumer policy helps to ensure that Comcast’s customers are treated fairly, such that those customers who choose to use more Internet data can pay more to do so, and those customers who choose to use less, pay less.

On November 1, 2016, Comcast implemented a data usage plan that establishes a usage threshold of 1 TB per month for all of its residential XFINITY Internet customers in the area. Our typical XFINITY Internet customer uses only 60 GB or 6 percent of 1 TB per month. Those very few customers who wish to use more than 1 TB per month will be provided additional buckets of 50 GB for $10 each, with total overage charges capped at $200 per month, or if they prefer to avoid unexpected overages, they can sign up for an unlimited data plan for an additional $50 per month. Under this policy, which is described in detail online, customers are given two courtesy months during which they will not be billed for exceeding their data usage threshold.[1] If the threshold is exceeded a third time, no further courtesy months will be provided.

Affected customers were notified of the data usage plan policy via U.S.P.S. mail and/or email approximately one month prior to its implementation. New customers receive a link to the data usage policy via email during the first week of their XFINITY Internet service. The policy and frequently asked questions are available for review online.[2] Comcast also provides customers with the following methods of data tracking and notification:

An individualized data usage meter for every XFINITY Internet account is available online upon log in.[3] Automatic notification will be sent to customers who have reached 90, 100, 110 and 125 percent of their data usage allotment. I trust this letter provides your office with the information required in this matter. I am providing a copy of this letter by email to the consumer as confirmation. Sincerely, Comcast National Customer Relations




by rushaz

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