Sunday 30 October 2016

EA and Origin has also recently banned another country, Iran. Iranian Players are unable to access their purchased libraries and can't use Origin.

About 2 weeks ago EA did the same thing to Iranian gamers.

As you can see,

Me and many other Iranian gamers are now unable to access what we have paid for and are banned.

Reason being U.S sanctions against Iran? what? Those have been lifted and that's completly bs, Why do other services like Steam, Uplay and allow us Iranians to play their games and use their clients then?

They basically told us "Nope, you can't play your games that you bought from us anymore, bye.."

EA has no respect for their costumers and this is really unacceptable.

Edit - As you can see here Ukrainian players were facing the same problem and EA fixed it for them as soon as they started the thread but Iranian players are still unable to access their libraries for more than 2 weeks.

by Ayymd_

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