Saturday 5 December 2015

You can fit the entire iTunes Library in a empty can of Coke.

the iTunes Store has about 37,000,000 songs available worldwide.

Lets immagine each song is encoded at the highest mainstream MP3 Quality (320 kbps), and that the average song is 4 minutes long.

320 * 4 * 60= 7.7 Megabytes per song

7.7 * 37,000,000= 285,000,000 Megabytes =285 Terabytes

A modern archive HDD can store 8TB worth of data so 285/8 =36.6 Hard Drives.

But it gets better...

Modern Micro SD Cards can store about 200GB of data per card. Each Micro SD Card has a volume of 165 mm3, and has a mass of 0.5g.

We could store the entire Itunes library on just 1400 Micro SD Cards. The cards would weigh just 700 grams. They would take up the space of 231cm3 meaning that you can fit the entire itunes in an empty can of Coke.

by Italianshox

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