Tuesday 15 December 2015

TIFU by trading poptarts for a taser

TIFU by getting the bright idea to trade my poptarts for a taser at the lunch table, and by today I mean a couple weeks ago (Forgive my formatting, I'm on mobile).

I'm a junior in high school and I was progressing through what seemed like a normal day. Then comes lunch. An acquaintance of mine who we'll call Billy happened to have a taser that day, due to his friend giving it to him in exchange for allowing his friend to post on his snapchat story. I have no idea, don't ask me.

So there I am, inspecting the gadget that he pulled out of his pocket rather nonchalantly. Having no idea what it was, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to trade him my cupcake poptarts for his mysterious device, which was about the size of a phone. I could tell by the prongs on the end that it was meant to shock, but I had no idea that it was a real taser. I thought maybe it was like the shock pens or shock gum you'd see in a cartoon. The fact he just traded it to me for 2 damn poptarts only justified my thoughts.

So I was on my way home on the bus, and I started to realize that it looked pretty heavy duty to be just some stupid novelty shock thingy. If I remember correctly, in yellow text on the side of it said "PHX-800". So I decided to look it up. Turns out it's a model for a taser and, looking up what laws correlated to tasers in my state, one needs a FOID card in order to buy and possess one. Very frightening stuff for me, considering my very clean record. I get A's and B's and just sit around playing video games, the hell do I know about these types of situations?

So I get home and immediately tell my mom that some kid snuck a taser into my book bag without me knowing, lying because I had broken the law, why would I want to tell anyone the truth that I willingly took a taser?

My mom decided to call the school and let them know the situation because she was scared of some kid trying to frame me for having a weapon at school. I get called down to the office and tell the principal the exact same story, knowing if I lied then I wouldn't get any form of punishment and hopefully they'd forget about this whole mess and cancel the search. As we wrapped up the conversation, he informed me that they would find out who did it, that they would check every piece of footage from the cameras that I was in sight of during school hours.

Being sent back to class, my mind was racing. I get up and immediately rush to the office once again to tell the truth and apologize for lying in my principal's face. Because either I tell on Billy or the camera catches Billy and I making a willing trade, resulting in more harsh punishment for me for lying. Luckily, my principal understood completely however made me aware that I needed some form of punishment for possessing a weapon at school.

He read me the 1-2 year expulsion protocol for possession of a weapon at school, and at this point I'm thinking my life is over. He then informs me that he thinks this punishment is too harsh and doesn't fit the situation. Instead, he gave me a 10 day suspension which of course dominated my grades for the semester, but at least it means I have a chance of getting somewhere. Now I sit here waiting to go back on the 18th, the day before winter break begins.

That is how I fucked up by trading my poptarts for a taser.

TLDR: Traded poptarts for a taser not realizing that it was a real taser, find out later on it's real and tell my mom only to have her call and end up getting me a 10 day suspension.

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