Sunday 13 December 2015

Kotaku Editor-in-Chief getting called out as a liar

I called Stephen Totilo (Kotaku Editor-in-Chief) out a few weeks back regarding a story Kotaku published on a harassment case (where the accused was found completely innocent) and how Kotaku ruined his life and permanently tarnished his reputation, regardless of his innocence, with their bullshit stories. Here is the case of Brad Wardell if you're interested. Warning: it might make you angry.

So anyhow, Totilo responded to me with some fantastic bullshit about how Kotaku provided both sides of the story and how he continues to stay in touch with Wardell. None of that made any sense.

Sooooo...I decided to tweet Wardell the link to Totilo's reply on twitter to hear what he thought of it. Wardell decided to reply to Stephen. right here on Reddit I hope you guys enjoy the subsequent ass-kicking Totilo and Kotaku get here :)

Stephen Totilo, Editor-in-Chief of Kotaku, being called out as a liar right from his own source. Happy Sunday readings!

by CertFresh

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