Saturday 19 December 2015


Apparently Walmart is selling MAG for PS3 again because they had some left in warehouse/stock that never sold and they are trying to use the holiday to get rid of the supply.

The issue with this is the game was an online multiplayer server side game only. There was no single player or offline aspect to the game. Yes they game was great forever ago, but the servers have since been shut down and have been for several years now.

So in short Walmart is selling a "game" that is nothing more than a plastic disc, defunct, and literally not playable.

When told this they say they told corporate and that corporate says they have to put it on the shelf and sell it, but they don't seem to care to inform customers despite the fact either.

To make matters worse, should an unwary customer buy the game as a present, the game is opened and they try to play it, because the game is no longer sealed the game can not be returned.

This may be happening at other stores too so be cautious and stay away from it, inform others looking at it, and have a happy holiday!

by Devacy

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