Friday 15 December 2017

TIFU by inadvertently robbing a drug dealers house

Hello Reddit, I am a 20 year old male from England who recently has been dragged into some quite serious shit with some rather scary people due to my idiocy.

Basically, me and my friend got tricked into robbing a drug dealers house by a very persuasive woman last June, who literally begged us (on her hands and knees, sobbing and clinging onto my trousers) to help her reclaim her possessions from an apparently physically abusive, 40 something year old man who had kicked her out of her home. I was very reluctant to get involved in such a situation as I am quite a nervous guy who likes to avoid confrontation, but unfortunately for me I also have a big heart and I like see the best in everyone - even if they are clearly deplorable people.

This woman had the keys to the place, was recognised as the woman who lived at the address by neighbours on arrival and this to my mind pointed out to me that this was indeed her house. After entering I asked her to point out which possessions she wanted me and my friend to remove, which included expensive gadgets.

As I am bagging up these items, which were to be returned to a friends apartment in a nearby town via taxi, I get a shout from one of the upstairs bedrooms. I walk upstairs to see what they were calling me for and upon entrance to one of the bedrooms I immediately see a bucket with drugs in. There was about an ounce of weed, and two small seal bags half filled with white powder. I immediately start to panic at this moment, I do not do drugs nor do I get involved with them, so I put the lid of the bucket back on and slide it back under the bed where it was. The other two want to take it, but after a few minutes of fierce arguing they agree that it would be best for all of us to leave it alone. So after that we go downstairs, get the stuff and leave to go get a taxi.

Unfortunately, none of us had a phone to ring a taxi and along the way we had lost sight of the woman. We assumed that she stayed behind to collect some other belongings and proceeded to rendezvous at the apartment where she was staying.

Unable to call a taxi, I ask a guy after walking some time with heavy bags full of expensive valuables whether he'd be kind enough to call us a cab. He refused, explaining that he had no credit on his phone and looked to be in a hurry somewhere with his children.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere my "friend" produces the bags of drugs that I told him to leave in broad daylight to the man with kids, who looked completely shocked and proceeded to guide his children away. My "friend" just wouldn't let up however, and proceeded to throw expensive clothing taken from the address at the man, begging him to call a cab which he definitely was not now prepared to do. He told us to go to a shop down the road and ask the shopkeeper to call one for us.

After he leaves, I grab my "friend" by the neck and proceed to shout in his face, calling him a fucking idiot and whatnot. This was not a nice neighbourhood btw, and we were clearly easy pickings for anyone who wished to rob us. So desperate to leave, I follow the mans advice and go to the shop down the road and ask him to call a cab, to which point he gives the same excuse as the previous guy. After politely trying to persuade the shopkeeper for a few minutes to no avail, my "friend" once again presents the drugs to the stranger in the hopes that he can swap some for a taxi. He bluntly refuses and demands that we leave the store which I promptly do, whilst this drug wielding idiot continues to try to negotiate.

I walk outside and try to think about what to do, I really didn't want to let this lady down but was getting seriously concerned about my own personal safety. Then suddenly out of nowhere, the first guy we asked to call a cab comes storming at us with a hammer and has brought the neighborhood out with him. He demands that we drop everything and empty our pockets as we have apparently just robbed his cousins house.

I try to tell him my side of the story and my intentions but he doesn't care and puts the hammer against my head. So I do what he says and he starts to shout and become more hostile as a small crowd had gathered to egg him on. Thinking I'm about to be lynched, I try to plead with the man but to no avail.

However, luckily the shop keeper sees the commotion and calls a cab out of fear for our lives which we promptly flee in empty handed. We argue on the way back and I tell him that I never wanna see him again. So after arriving at my destination I get the tram home and tell him that we're no longer friends. I have not seen or heard from him since and the same goes for the woman.

I did return to town the day after however to run an errand and I bumped into the hammer guy who was fucking pissed to say the least. He demanded that I give my phone number (no phone) and says that roughly £2000 worth of drugs had been taken, which to me sounds like bullshit and a few people I've told this story to agree.

Initially he was very aggressive and threatened me with violence, and told me that we're going to be shot (very big thing in the UK). I basically plead with him to hear me out, and once I had told him the story I have just told here he was sympathetic and basically told me to disguise myself. He also told me that I don't have to worry, and shook my hand before he left (and his gf too).

However, I doubt this means anything to the guy I inadvertently robbed and due to a recent spate of stabbings and shootings due to drugs related conflicts - I believe my turn is round the corner and I've been living in panic ever since. To the point where I've started to lose hair and having full blown panic attacks. In fact I am having one right now.

I have consulted a few friends about this matter and all have said that I definitely won't be killed, but honestly I see little reason why they wouldn't. They also disputed the value of the drugs, saying that the hammer guy was just trying to scare me.

Honestly Reddit I'm scared shitless and I don't know what to do, I feel like my life is over and I'm even contemplating suicide because it's getting to me so much. There's a bit more to this story but I've written enough, but if any extra detail is required I am more than happy to provide it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

TL;DR I accidentally robbed a drug dealer and I may be killed as a result

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