Thursday 3 March 2016

TIFU by accidentally launching a game in class

So I'm the really shy and quiet guy in the class, and what I did in class today really embarrassed me. During my English class, there was a group in front who is reporting about a certain topic. Our teacher allowed us to use our gadgets while they were reporting as long as we were quiet, so that's exactly what I did. During the middle of their report, my finger was reaching for the safari icon so that I can search for Reddit. When I was about to tap on the icon, for some reason my finger decided to move a bit to the left and launched a game. When the game launched, it played a familiar jingle of the company that made it—at full volume. The then quiet class became noisy and distrupted the report at front, with everyone staring at me. Luckily, my teacher is "chill" type of teacher and just shrugged me off without giving me detention and the report continued. To me, this was really big because as I said earlier, I am a quiet and very shy guy. Having everyone looking at me just made me want to curl up and pray that it never happened.

TL;DR: I accidentally launched a game at full volume, making the whole class look at me which made me really embarrassed.

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